Arti Grabowski. After party part I and II


After Party is the title of a retrospective exhibition by Arti Grabowski presented at the BWA Wrocław Awangarda gallery since September 4, 2009.
Arti Grabowski (born in 1977) is primarily a performer, but also a well-known artist who works with video art, installations and frozen image. It is a challenge to organize an exhibition if it consists of a piece of art as fleeting as performance. If we are unable to participate in the performance, it is important to see as much as possible of what is left of the action. Space, context, props, photographs, documentation, artifacts. This is the core message of the exhibition prepared by the artist especially for BWA Wrocław Galleries of Contemporary Art.

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  • author: Arti Grabowski
  • 2 x DVD in aluminum box
  • year of publication: 2009